AMAZING Testimonial from ANNA After Starting the KETO Diet See BEFORE AN...

Send me an email that will show you in detail everything I did to lose weight with this keto diet. Email- Ready to lose weight effortlessly and eating well send me an Email- Want to know how to start the Keto Diet? I've been doing the Keto Diet for awhile now and wanted to share my Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Keto how to start the Keto Diet and what to expect when you start the Ketogenic Diet! There are a lot of things I wish I would have known before I started the Ketogenic Diet what foods to eat on the keto diet and how to get out of a Keto Diet Plateau. So I've put all of that in this one video for you guys to help you know how to start the Keto Diet--but more importantly how to be SUCCESSFUL on the Ketogenic Diet! If you are curious the name of the diet comes from the ketone bodies produced within your body as a result of switching your body to fuel itself through fats instead of carbs. This is also referred to as a state of ketosis. I know many of you want to lose weight and there are tons of videos on weight loss out there. But I want to give you an honest doctor's take on the keto diet which is essentially a high fat low carb diet. Its claim to fame is that helps to burn body fat for energy therefore helping you lose weight quickly. But is fast weight loss even healthy? + Is this the best weight loss diet? Anyway I could go into more detail covering the smallest intricacies of the diet but I did not want to weigh down the video both literally and figuratively. Please let me know if this is too little too much or just the right amount of information about intermittent fasting. Also I want you to remember that diets are not all about weight loss but more importantly about eating healthy. So let's get started with the Keto diet explained / Ketogenic diet explained diet review! I sincerely hope you enjoy and definitely let me know if you want more videos like this by giving it a like and a share. Share this Video - Video Breakdown: 00:00 incredible testimonial from anna after 00:02 doing new diet keto see before and after 00:06 it wasn't until anna gave birth to her 00:07 daughter tatcha started experiencing 00:09 tissue s maintaining hair weight 00:12 after that despite eating a low-fat 00:14 portion controlled diet and picking up 00:16 intense daily exercise 00:18 her rate would budge on bit before 00:21 eating low carb 00:22 anna would usually start her day with 00:24 oatmeal #ketodiet #ketogenicdiet #ketosuccessstories ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Follow our social networks 👇 New Keto Diet Official BLOGGER - https://newketodiet-offical.blogspot.... Twitch - Discord - Subscribe to the Channel - E-mail -
